Sunday, June 25, 2006

Service as a Principle

Trent introduced me to a speaker named Eric Lofholm. Trent let me borrow an audio CD of his seminar and I was quite happy with what I heard. The guy was talking exactly about what I have been thinking about for a while. In fact it went along with a little article I wrote a couple of weeks back. It was about quality vs. quantity as an inital focus for a business. In the seminar he talked about how you have to focus on providing value for the customer and compensation will come. That is in contrast to focusing on the sales and the money and maybe you'll occasionally provide some value to a customer. The reason I loved it is because it's so true and at many levels. While he was talking primarly about sales, the principle of focusing on meeting the needs of others is what I'd call an eternal principle. It goes along with the scripture, "For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again..." If I focus on 'sending out' what others are looking for, or providing real value, I'll always receive an abundance of what I need. However, if I always focus on what I need first to the neglect of what others need I'll never be able to fully meet my needs. That's it. No if's and's or but's. In fact, I'm so confident that if someone will apply this principle to their life that they will have all their needs met in time that I'd challenge anyone to try it. I'll put up my article on True Industry's website tomorrow on Quality or Quantity As A Business Focus for those who are interested.


Random samplings of my Delightful Life said...

I love your insights. You always put things in a way that is so easy to understand.

Anonymous said...

This principle works! You know, the clearer you look at things the more you see that there is no difference between gospel or "churchy" priciples and real life principles. Everything that Christ has established or pronounced is for the benefit of the Human Race, and really to help all ignorant to it or not, receive all that God has. Well put Ryan, good form.